Tuesday, November 14, 2006

history paper

Samantha Dick
US 5

President Bush, gave a speech to Congress and the nation, nine days after the 9/11 attacks posing the question “Why do they hate us?” In this essay I am going to explain my opinion of why they hate us.

To start, we supported Israel. One country in the Middle East. Over the years we gave them an estimate of over six trillion dollars, with about forty percent of the aid being sent to Israel were strictly military related. An example of this is the military planes being sent to help fight their wars. Which in the end they basically in up winning. For Example, the Six Day War was fought in 1967. Israel occupied The Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, the Golan Heights (part of Syria given back over thirty years later), the Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem.

I believe another reason why they hate us is when Israel joined the United Nations; on the understanding they would leave Palestine as little changed as possible. They violated the U.N. Directive by sending settlers into Palestian land, that they then turned into occupied territories (the United States or the United Nations did not do anything to prevent or about it.) The Unites States did not help with the prevention of trauma that the Palestian children suffered when Israel soldiers invaded their homes. Also another fact was that when Israel bombed its surrounding countries, it broke International Law. This was never reported by the U.S. media.

One of the reasons why they hate us is the United States is supporting a new democracy in Iraq that separates religion and politics in a society where religion is a fact of every part of life.This last summer on July 12th, Israel was invaded by a political party / militia called Hezbollah. A militia born from Palestian refugee camps located in Lebanon. So for Israel’s defense they have been using American made cluster bombs. Also the United States authorized Israel’s request for expedited shipments of guided bombs.

It seems that the U.S. media doesn’t tell or incorrectly reports stories about what is happening out there in the Middle East. Also the United States is presented as neutral but always favors Israel.

So in conclusion, in my opinion, the reason why they bombed us on 9/11, because we favor Israel. We gave them aid and supplied them with arms, so we are considered allies to them What is happening over there today is not because of religion it is political , of who is controlling who or what. The U.S. Basically ignored other countries in The Middle East and focused on being allies with a country that is always in some sort of trouble, and look what the U.S. got, a major tragedy. No one will forget 9/11, but everyone will ask the same question President Bush asked only nine days after the attack, “Why do they hate us?”


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