Monday, September 25, 2006

Free Write #8

The Awsome Trip

By:Samantha Dick

On the way
I rode in a car
Very far
On a road Trip
Far away from home
All alone

In the car
The sunny sky
Warmed my face
Made me smile
New I was goin on a fun Adventure
Some where I never went before

Sacramento my first stop
Seeing the awsome capital
Seeing all the tall glass buildings
To tall for me to see the top
Seeing the awsome water park
The splash of water hitting the people's faces

Bakerfield was the second stop
So far away from home
Im enjoying myself
Im very sad
Far from home
My fun Adventure started

Anaheim was the third stop
Disneyland, yay!!!
Walking all over the huge spred park
Seeing Mickey Mouse and his huge smile
Goin on the ride Splah Mountain
Getting wet from head to toe, basically

Then San Diego
The sunny City
It was fun
Espicially the water slides and the water in my face
The horrible sun burn
my skin so red
I couldn't hardly move


The awsome trip
The Great Trip
Another hopefully to have one soon
I like going somehwere
Disneyland, Sandiego
Hopefully I will see those awsome places again soon

Really soon!!!

By:Samantha Dick


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