Thursday, August 24, 2006

Science Assingment:Reading Response #1


#1 Dissagreement is, an essential element because scientists who discover things have to decide if they agree or they disagree about what they found or not yet have proven yet, with their findings.Dissagreement help the scientists improve what they found and make it better.

#2 A scientific issue that just confused me, well pretty recently was that Pluto is no longer a planet. That now in Science books they have to go through the lines of planets such as Mercury, Venus.........Till they got to PLuto and they have to cross it out. Text books now have to do a whole brand new text book and having the explanation why Pluto isn't a planet in the solar system,and that there are 8 planets instead of nine, only because Pluto is a small Planet(excuse me sub planet of ice and cold).


Blogger arscientist said...


First response could have used more explanation...possibly an example to clarify.

8:06 PM  

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