Monday, September 25, 2006

Free Write #7

Free Write #7

Every night, I go out in front of my house and look out into the sky. I love laying out in my driveway , and looking out into the black sky. I always wondered what is beyond our solar system?
I got really interested in the solar system. I never really cared for a long time , like for example , I thought that the stars were shiny dots in the sky. For a while They were like really tiny pennies. Later on I went onto the internet and oh they are tiny balls of gas in the sky!!! Im such an idiot.
Later on , I got an interest in comets. In my point of view they are beautiful balls of fire that shoot through the sky.
When I look out into the sky, The sky seems like a painting, you walk into it and never comes out, like im in a dream.
I really would like to get an interest in astronomy and see what is beyond our solar system????


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