Thursday, September 07, 2006

Free Write #6

I wasn’t like I was today. Once upon a time I wasn’t like I was today. I didn’t have any friends and I’m telling the truth. When I was trying to make friends people some sort of reason knew I was there. They would walk or run away from me like I was contagious or something. It was really sad to me. Say 6 years ago I was 10 years old, I was fat, didn’t have a taste in anything what’s so ever, in clothes or what was popular. I like Barney the Dinosaur, Ok Laugh it is the truth. Pokemon and Digemon. Yes I liked them. Oh also I liked Barbie Dolls. Holy Crap and that one I can’t believe. Also I thought boys were icky. Why girls always liked them. I was so different then I once was.
Today I like boys, Myspace, Movies such as action, horror and drama. IM not fat anymore, well actually the word is obese. Thanks to a water and apple diet. Not tasting the essence of Pizza and the greasy Pepperoni pizza. Oh man now I’m hungry. Just kidding. I love the internet. I think Barney the dinosaur and barbies should rot in hell. But that is me. See, years ago if I met any of the people at the academy then people would call me a loser and a reject. But over the years I changed, and I’m so happy it happened, that im different and that im not what I was so long ago.


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