Friday, September 29, 2006

Interview with an alien

I was sitting on my couch, it was 3:30 in the morning. I decided to go outside to breath the night air. I walked outside and sat on my driveway. Staying there for a few Minuetes I wanted outside when I saw something in the sky. It was really weird. Then , Holy Crap , I saw a space Station in the sky, Look sort of War of the Worlds to me. Some weird claw came out of the ship and grabbed my shirt and pulled me up into the space station, and suddenly, Darkness.
I woke up in some interigation chamber, like what I saw on TV once. The alien was a sort of greenish black creature with with large tenticles like an octpus and had huge black eues. I asked One question to the alien,
"Ok, what do you want with me"?
The creature after finally staring at me for sevral minuetes finally said "Greetings My name is Baloge". Im the interigator for my planet. "
I did nothing but laugh, I thought he was actually joking, then the interigator starting talking again.
"My planet have studied earth, sfor such some time, and we decided to take our reasearch a bit farther.
"So what is the question, I asked"
"Why do some of your race live in the absolute state of health, while other live in the Gutter?"
"All, right the question will have several answers , but here is mine, People who live in absolute luxery, they make their own living, they have what we people call jobs and people who take their career farther will be absolutly rich."
I started then with" Now people who live in the gutter, they don't have jobs , and they live in poverty, starving, always not being able to eat or drink, basicically people who don't care if they live or die"

The alien finally said "Human , you are free to go"
Next thing I knew, I was on my driveway and all, I could say was"Wow that was really freaky"!!!


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