Friday, September 29, 2006

Science Reading Response #3

1. Copernicus is one of the Smartest men in History. He learnde about Medicine, Philosphy, Church Matters and Mathmatics from different universities all over Italy. Mathamatics is very important in the US because so many people in public schools, high schools and colleges has to learn the concepts of math.

2. In my opinion "Perspective means a mental view of the way objects appear from a distance or postion. Like for example Leonardo Davinci's famous painting "Last supper" is an example of Perspective in my opinion. That is is the holiday of Passover and Jesus is surrounded by the apostles. Davinci uses different colrs and textures and many people today have questions on how of something that happened before Davinci's time turned out to be a famous piece of Exquisite work.

3. I can see that Philosphy, astronomy ....that so amny concepts that we used came from the old rennisance time , like Copernicus learned so many concepts for him to become on of the smartest man of his time, from leaning all of this from diffreent universities all over Italy.


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