Monday, October 23, 2006


“Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say”

Through my life I never spoke how I felt. I always kept my opinion to myself. I always say what people in my life told me to. I did that for such a long time. I had my opinion of many things, but I always never told anyone, because I thought people would judge me, and I could never stand people’s opinion.
Also I never thought that my opinion would matter at all what so ever. When I heard people talk about things happening in the world , I always have something to say, A little voice would always say “They won’t care”. So I would keep my opinions to myself.
So people who never talk or say your opinions on anything, I encourage people to talk. It helped my when I had to go to AR, doing debates, And performing the Shakespeare play , “The Tempest”. I learned to speak , to express how you feel, and that was what really counts.