Tuesday, November 14, 2006

history paper

Samantha Dick
US 5

President Bush, gave a speech to Congress and the nation, nine days after the 9/11 attacks posing the question “Why do they hate us?” In this essay I am going to explain my opinion of why they hate us.

To start, we supported Israel. One country in the Middle East. Over the years we gave them an estimate of over six trillion dollars, with about forty percent of the aid being sent to Israel were strictly military related. An example of this is the military planes being sent to help fight their wars. Which in the end they basically in up winning. For Example, the Six Day War was fought in 1967. Israel occupied The Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, the Golan Heights (part of Syria given back over thirty years later), the Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem.

I believe another reason why they hate us is when Israel joined the United Nations; on the understanding they would leave Palestine as little changed as possible. They violated the U.N. Directive by sending settlers into Palestian land, that they then turned into occupied territories (the United States or the United Nations did not do anything to prevent or about it.) The Unites States did not help with the prevention of trauma that the Palestian children suffered when Israel soldiers invaded their homes. Also another fact was that when Israel bombed its surrounding countries, it broke International Law. This was never reported by the U.S. media.

One of the reasons why they hate us is the United States is supporting a new democracy in Iraq that separates religion and politics in a society where religion is a fact of every part of life.This last summer on July 12th, Israel was invaded by a political party / militia called Hezbollah. A militia born from Palestian refugee camps located in Lebanon. So for Israel’s defense they have been using American made cluster bombs. Also the United States authorized Israel’s request for expedited shipments of guided bombs.

It seems that the U.S. media doesn’t tell or incorrectly reports stories about what is happening out there in the Middle East. Also the United States is presented as neutral but always favors Israel.

So in conclusion, in my opinion, the reason why they bombed us on 9/11, because we favor Israel. We gave them aid and supplied them with arms, so we are considered allies to them What is happening over there today is not because of religion it is political , of who is controlling who or what. The U.S. Basically ignored other countries in The Middle East and focused on being allies with a country that is always in some sort of trouble, and look what the U.S. got, a major tragedy. No one will forget 9/11, but everyone will ask the same question President Bush asked only nine days after the attack, “Why do they hate us?”

Monday, October 23, 2006


“Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say”

Through my life I never spoke how I felt. I always kept my opinion to myself. I always say what people in my life told me to. I did that for such a long time. I had my opinion of many things, but I always never told anyone, because I thought people would judge me, and I could never stand people’s opinion.
Also I never thought that my opinion would matter at all what so ever. When I heard people talk about things happening in the world , I always have something to say, A little voice would always say “They won’t care”. So I would keep my opinions to myself.
So people who never talk or say your opinions on anything, I encourage people to talk. It helped my when I had to go to AR, doing debates, And performing the Shakespeare play , “The Tempest”. I learned to speak , to express how you feel, and that was what really counts.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Interview with an alien

I was sitting on my couch, it was 3:30 in the morning. I decided to go outside to breath the night air. I walked outside and sat on my driveway. Staying there for a few Minuetes I wanted outside when I saw something in the sky. It was really weird. Then , Holy Crap , I saw a space Station in the sky, Look sort of War of the Worlds to me. Some weird claw came out of the ship and grabbed my shirt and pulled me up into the space station, and suddenly, Darkness.
I woke up in some interigation chamber, like what I saw on TV once. The alien was a sort of greenish black creature with with large tenticles like an octpus and had huge black eues. I asked One question to the alien,
"Ok, what do you want with me"?
The creature after finally staring at me for sevral minuetes finally said "Greetings My name is Baloge". Im the interigator for my planet. "
I did nothing but laugh, I thought he was actually joking, then the interigator starting talking again.
"My planet have studied earth, sfor such some time, and we decided to take our reasearch a bit farther.
"So what is the question, I asked"
"Why do some of your race live in the absolute state of health, while other live in the Gutter?"
"All, right the question will have several answers , but here is mine, People who live in absolute luxery, they make their own living, they have what we people call jobs and people who take their career farther will be absolutly rich."
I started then with" Now people who live in the gutter, they don't have jobs , and they live in poverty, starving, always not being able to eat or drink, basicically people who don't care if they live or die"

The alien finally said "Human , you are free to go"
Next thing I knew, I was on my driveway and all, I could say was"Wow that was really freaky"!!!

Science Reading Response #3

1. Copernicus is one of the Smartest men in History. He learnde about Medicine, Philosphy, Church Matters and Mathmatics from different universities all over Italy. Mathamatics is very important in the US because so many people in public schools, high schools and colleges has to learn the concepts of math.

2. In my opinion "Perspective means a mental view of the way objects appear from a distance or postion. Like for example Leonardo Davinci's famous painting "Last supper" is an example of Perspective in my opinion. That is is the holiday of Passover and Jesus is surrounded by the apostles. Davinci uses different colrs and textures and many people today have questions on how of something that happened before Davinci's time turned out to be a famous piece of Exquisite work.

3. I can see that Philosphy, astronomy ....that so amny concepts that we used came from the old rennisance time , like Copernicus learned so many concepts for him to become on of the smartest man of his time, from leaning all of this from diffreent universities all over Italy.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Free Write #8

The Awsome Trip

By:Samantha Dick

On the way
I rode in a car
Very far
On a road Trip
Far away from home
All alone

In the car
The sunny sky
Warmed my face
Made me smile
New I was goin on a fun Adventure
Some where I never went before

Sacramento my first stop
Seeing the awsome capital
Seeing all the tall glass buildings
To tall for me to see the top
Seeing the awsome water park
The splash of water hitting the people's faces

Bakerfield was the second stop
So far away from home
Im enjoying myself
Im very sad
Far from home
My fun Adventure started

Anaheim was the third stop
Disneyland, yay!!!
Walking all over the huge spred park
Seeing Mickey Mouse and his huge smile
Goin on the ride Splah Mountain
Getting wet from head to toe, basically

Then San Diego
The sunny City
It was fun
Espicially the water slides and the water in my face
The horrible sun burn
my skin so red
I couldn't hardly move


The awsome trip
The Great Trip
Another hopefully to have one soon
I like going somehwere
Disneyland, Sandiego
Hopefully I will see those awsome places again soon

Really soon!!!

By:Samantha Dick

Free Write #7

Free Write #7

Every night, I go out in front of my house and look out into the sky. I love laying out in my driveway , and looking out into the black sky. I always wondered what is beyond our solar system?
I got really interested in the solar system. I never really cared for a long time , like for example , I thought that the stars were shiny dots in the sky. For a while They were like really tiny pennies. Later on I went onto the internet and oh they are tiny balls of gas in the sky!!! Im such an idiot.
Later on , I got an interest in comets. In my point of view they are beautiful balls of fire that shoot through the sky.
When I look out into the sky, The sky seems like a painting, you walk into it and never comes out, like im in a dream.
I really would like to get an interest in astronomy and see what is beyond our solar system????

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Free Write #6

I wasn’t like I was today. Once upon a time I wasn’t like I was today. I didn’t have any friends and I’m telling the truth. When I was trying to make friends people some sort of reason knew I was there. They would walk or run away from me like I was contagious or something. It was really sad to me. Say 6 years ago I was 10 years old, I was fat, didn’t have a taste in anything what’s so ever, in clothes or what was popular. I like Barney the Dinosaur, Ok Laugh it is the truth. Pokemon and Digemon. Yes I liked them. Oh also I liked Barbie Dolls. Holy Crap and that one I can’t believe. Also I thought boys were icky. Why girls always liked them. I was so different then I once was.
Today I like boys, Myspace, Movies such as action, horror and drama. IM not fat anymore, well actually the word is obese. Thanks to a water and apple diet. Not tasting the essence of Pizza and the greasy Pepperoni pizza. Oh man now I’m hungry. Just kidding. I love the internet. I think Barney the dinosaur and barbies should rot in hell. But that is me. See, years ago if I met any of the people at the academy then people would call me a loser and a reject. But over the years I changed, and I’m so happy it happened, that im different and that im not what I was so long ago.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Prompt #3

Well...........................something that is unfair to me. Let me think, it will take me a while to think about something . Oh yeah, here is something that in my point of view was considered unfair. Last fall, in Fortuna is the Apple Harvest Festival. It was a nice day, and the sun was shining.
Nothing was to go wrong. I had money in my pocket my coat on, ready to go through the door when the most embarassing name to be called"SAMANTHA ROSE DICK". My mom was calling me and when she called me I was usually in big, no huge trouble. I forgot my chores and of coarse my mom yelled at me and she gave me a consequence, no apple Harvest!!!!!!!!!!
Only thing I could say was WHAT! My fun plans for the day was squashed by not doing my chores before I leave to go anywhere. only thing I yelled was IT"S UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then while I heard noises from Downtown Fortuna I was in my house being sooooooooo bored. I never did that ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!But in my opinion it was an injustice.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Science Reading Assignment #2

Well according to the book, women didn't go to school. But your education would consist of Astronomy, mathamatics,languages, and music. The basic teachings back in like the 1400's. I would learn more things about the way people lived backed then. Like they didn't have History back then, because History was being created. Also music was really popular, And that im interested in music , I would know the orgin of how music was. Also Math was probally very easy for some people because they had famous people to help them like Aritotle and famous teachers, who made education possible.